Most people think of magic as a trick … Abracadabra! Impossible acts put on purely for entertainment. Real magic, though, is not an illusion. Real magic is the feeling when life is transformed from the ordinary to the extraordinary. And not only is it real — it is the very thing that connects us to this world, to one another, to our entire existence.
“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

We each have a purpose — it is magic like a spark within us. Some of us knew it from a young age when we were but an acorn, some of us grew into it when we were adults. Our purpose propels us forward to create a change that leaves a lasting legacy beyond the immediate moment. The satisfaction of fulfilling one’s purpose makes life rewarding and exciting.
Champions for Health works with our dedicated network of physician volunteers, hospitals, surgery centers, nurses, schools, community, private and public partners to improve the health of our community where San Diegans live, work, play, and pray. These individuals have the feeling of believing, of belonging, of getting, of being gotten. The hearts of our volunteers are open and beams of light touch each person with magic. The free services received by participants make a priceless impact! No need to worry about: ER visits; loss of work due to excruciating pain; deciding between paying for food or for a desperately needed medical appointment; being hospitalized due to severe COVID or flu symptoms or complications.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
Winston Churchill
Access to care for all is our mission. Champions for Health is making magic in the world, creating many moments with our compassionate community partners. When I listen to the stories from our physician volunteers and how much working with Project Access patients means to them, I can see that their purpose is being fulfilled: to relieve pain and suffering, to put their multiple medical talents to work, to lift the burden of poverty by removing the barrier to needed consultations and surgery. Our volunteers are making space for the magic to sneak in.
When you support Champions for Health, you contribute to the health and well being of thousands of individuals in San Diego. Each of these people shows their gratitude with a smile and a hug because their prayers were answered by helpful angels such as yourself, ready to step up in their time of need.
There are so many ways to help your neighbors … choose the way that works best for you! You can donate once or join our monthly giving program for ongoing support. It’s the end of the year, and stocks and securities can be transferred to Champions for Health. Direct charitable distributions of IRA funds can be contributed up to $100,000.
Every day has within it hundreds, even thousands of opportunities to create real magic. But they disappear unless you reach out and grab them. Reach for your magic wand — you too can be a magician and leave this place better than you found it.